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Napa Sunrise Rotary Satellite Club - Inaugurated April 1, 2024.

A new Rotary concept strongly supported by Rotary International and our District Governor.

An alternative membership to Napa Sunrise Club - we only meet on the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays of each month.

Meeting & breakfast at Downtown Joe’s, 902 Main Street, Napa.
Coffee at 8:00am, meeting starts at 8:15am & ends at 9:00am.

Cost is $10 cash for meetings ($240 annually).

Other cost estimated to be less than $250 annually for Rotary dues and miscellaneous expenses. 

Membership would include active involvement in at least one service project each month.

Questions? Please email

Come for a visit or make up!

Club Leaders
Click for Application
Click To Donate (2)
Holiday Breakfast
Rise Against Hunger
Westwood Park
Napa Sunrise Rotary Holiday James Bond Cocktail Party